I must express my deep appreciation for Dikla’s art work, for joining the multi-generational beauty of Bible commentators and observers, and for her bold photographs, which enliven the ancient stories, bringing forth a new spirit.
Prof. Yair Zakovitch

These photographic books in this series are the culmination of over seven years of my work, allowing me to relive the stories of the Bible, from my point of view, through the lens of the camera and with a focus on femininity.

During the creative process, the Biblical story is disconnected from the sequence of time in which it belongs, from its geographical location, as well as my own interpretation. The models I employ may not necessarily have a Mediterranean look, as they are diverse and unique Israeli women.
Every photograph in this collection is an entire production, preceded by months of research, development and artistic work. There are so many female figures in the Bible, and every one of them has a story to tell. Even seemingly minor characters are given an opportunity to develop, filling out the contexts of these famous stories.
This project shines a light on the contributions, strength and holiness of these powerful Biblical women — depicting them as the saviors, heroines and holy people they were.

“And Jael went out to meet Sisera, and said unto him: ‘Turn in, my lord, turn in to me; fear not.’ And he turned in unto her into the tent, and she covered him with a rug.” judges 4 18
The fact that Dikla says what she says in the language of photography and not in words does not matter a bit, and her creativity is worthy of entering an interpretive community with biblical commentators from a position of confidence in its interpretation and understanding. And so it is necessary to say that each and every wonderful photograph blends the landscape of the country, the biblical stories, the sources that followed, her discerning eye and her unique interpretation of an exceptional artist.
Prof. Avigdor Shinan